Blog 3: Arborea Visit

 We visited the Arborea Waste Management Complex on Wednesday this week and it was awesome. Going into the visit, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew it would smell bad and there would be trash, but I didn't expect to see such a complex system to sort waste. Seeing how metal material was separated by a magnet was really cool. I also loved seeing the machine that had air blow bottles in different directions to sort them. I didn't expect myself to be so fascinated by the waste complex. It felt fulfilling to see what we have been studying in real life. My favorite part was getting to understand the sustainability practices that the Arborea Waste Management Complex uses. I loved seeing their system of collecting rain water from the landfill to water the plants they used for composting. I also have never seen a landfill before so I appreciated seeing that. I took so many photos because of how in awe I was of the plant. Strangely, I didn't feel horrible after seeing all of the trash they were processing. I felt some hope that recycling practices are going in a good direction. But, I will probably picture the mounds of trash from the plant anytime I throw something out now. I included some of my photos below:


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