Blog 2: First Impression
My first impression of Sardinia has been excellent. Even after less than a week, I think I could move here. The weather is nice, the food is delicious, the people are fun, and the island is beautiful!! The beach has been one of my favorite activities so far. The water is so refreshing, especially on the hot days here. I also loved doing the tour of Castello. The tour guide was amazing and pointed out some things that I would have never noticed. I had no idea that Sardinia has had so many different people rule over it. I was also unaware that part of the island was bombed during World War II. I feel like I have already learned so much about it in the five days I have been here. Exploring Cagliari with the other students on the dialogue has been so fun. Everyone is adventurous and excited to experience as much of Cagliari as possible, which has pushed me out of my comfort zone. I have loved every second I have spent here so far, and I know I have time left, but I still dread the day that we have to leave. I can't wait to see what else Sardinia has to offer! Here are some of the photos I have taken so far:
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